HECharting Stocks Table Linked Live/Updated for traders through googlesheets using googlefinance function

HE Charting

the new norm for viewing stock information

HE Charts are focused on transforming endless tables of stock information into visualizations that are easier to follow, and less straining for the eyes and mind.  If you are tired of scrutinizing tables of pilled stock listings, visually strained for going through tables cell by cell, column by column and row by row.  Having to reiterate the task upon every update for hours.  HE Charts are the soon to be the new norm as an alternative for viewing numerous stock information………...at a glance.

The basis of HE Charting revolves around price manipulation in a way to facilitate visualizations as an alternative to table representation.  This is performed for all stocks followed, in a way to enable graphical plots for different stocks on the same chart. Starting with the HE Chart-Prices in its simplest form, it is all about plotting the percentage change of each individual stock and simply hovering the respective latest stock price available over each point plot.  In doing so, rhetorically, the HE Charts enable the plot of apples and bananas on the same chart.  True there are stocks with values hovering at the 10 price range and others at the 250 price range which would make it impossible to plot on the same chart.  This is where the HE Chart-Prices shines through a percentage gain/loss plot facilitating the plot of different value stocks on the same chart, hence making the what would be an otherwise impossible task, possible.

In essence, this provides several advantages.  For the plot of each individual stock, looking at the point plot one gets two concurrent immediate pieces of information namely, stock price and percentage change

As for the HE Charts as a whole, this provides additional advantages:

  1. An immediate Top level overview of how all the stocks followed are performing. 
  2. Comparative performance of all stocks followed at a glance.

Other HE Chart-prices features that make following the stocks even more fluid include:

-Ruler: This is simply setting a horizontal ruler level at a user’s required percentage value to visually indicate stocks below and stocks above the specified level.  For example, if the level is set at a value 1% the HE Chart will immediately visually indicate all stocks followed above the 1% limit gain and those below.

-Sorting:  True sorting can be read off the table of stocks followed, but using the HE Chart-Prices, it becomes clearer as with respect to the spread of percentage gain/loss.  A mix of using the sorting option and the ruler is simply swell.

Volume Chart (Plot)

As a complimentary visualization to the HE Chart-Prices, the volume chart is added to enhance the visual overview of the stocks followed with added  information ready for the eye to assimilate with ease. For every stock followed there is a plot of the current trading volume (blue) and the average trading volume of the same stock.  This also gives two concurrent pieces of information for the stock at a glance;  One would visually know if the trading level by volume is less than or more than the average, and by how much. Plotting same for several stocks on the same chart, the amount of information visually grasped of all the stocks followed is immense, with ease. 

Volume Chart (Stacked)

Having spoken about the HE Chart-Prices enabling the comparison of apples and bananas, the Volume Chart (Stacked) takes things further enabling adding to the comparison some fish and steak.  There is no restraint whatsoever on including amongst the stocks followed other investment instruments or indicators such as indices, as an example.  In the case where an index is added to the list, the respective volume of that index added would simply dwarf the traded volumes of the stocks depicted on the same chart. This is where the Volume Chart (Plot) would fall short, but alternatively, this is where the Volume Chart (Stacked) would accommodate. The stacked method uses percentages and again streamline huge differences in volume numbers comparing stocks and indices.

HE Chart-Prices-Intraday Candle Sticks

For following intraday movement of a stock, one would resort to opening an intraday chart for each stock followed .i.e 30 stocks followed would mean flipping through 30 different charts.  The HE Chart-Prices Intraday Candle Sticks acts to eliminate this cumbersome task. The use of Candle sticks clearly indicates the movement of a stock during the day. Capitalizing on the inherent promise of the HE Chart, the prices are again treated in a way to map the percentage gain/loss pattern for each stock.  In doing so, the summary of the 30 stocks followed are captured in a single HE Chart for ease giving an unparalleled overview of the stocks followed during the day using candle sticks. Similarly, HE Chart-Prices-Bar chart can be implemented as soon as the technology is available for its introduction in the future.

HE Chart 52 Week High/Low

Often in tabular form, the 52 High/Low levels are ignored given the amount of cumbersome information a table offers, giving way to missed obvious warning and opportunity signals .  Another simple visualization, the HE Chart 52Week High/Low does not leave this problem astray. Again, through price treatment, the stock price is treated through the use of HE Chart 52Week High/Low in a way to plot the stock’s price in a position relative to its 52 Week High/Low position. In doing so, at a glance, the user would know if a stock is close to or further away from its historic High/Low price levels, and inherently the HE Chart 52Week High/Low provides similar overview of all the stocks followed.  Nothing will be missed.

HE Chart Support/Resistance

This is the most advanced of all the HE Charts.  As any technical analyst would tell you, the support and resistance levels are of extreme importance for trading purposes.  If some 50 stocks are followed, rest assured that the technical analyst has done his homework and taken the time to set the support and resistance levels for all the 50 stock.  But that is a total of 50 different charts, which makes it impossible to keep track of where each of the 50 stocks are with respect to their respective resistance and support levels. Typically during any trading session, only 5 to 10 stocks would be closely followed and focused on as with respect to the resistance and support levels, giving way to missed opportunities and blindening obvious threats where attention is needed for the other stocks not closely followed.

The HE Chart Support/Resistance comes to the rescue.  It provides a tool to take those set support and resistance levels together with stock price treatment, and make it possible for a summary plot of where exactly each stock price position is with respect to the indicated levels.

The HE Chart Support/Resistance accomodates not only the first resistance and support levels, but also the second resistance and support levels for a more comprehensive accommodation of analysis.  It is worth noting that for the purpose of demonstration, Fibonacci retracement levels were used to automatically indicate assumed support and resistance levels.  Users are strongly advised to visit back those levels and reset them according to their attentive own respective analysis.

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